In a large recent study of 3187 people, researchers discovered that people taking anti-depressant medication had an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is the first time that the association has been seen; however, the size of the study suggests that there is some biochemical mechanism which is occurring.
As a naturopathic physician who specializes in treating individuals with depression, anxiety, sugar addictions, and other mental health concerns, I am interested in this study. Indeed, there may be a specific mechanism which is occurring with the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (the major class of anti-depressants). I also know that individuals who are depressed tend to eat more sugar and exercise less which is a formula of developing diabetes.
In the US, 40 million individuals are at risk of developing diabetes and 10 million people are taking anti-depressant medications. Often when an individual comes to see me they assume I want them to discontinue their anti-depressant medication. This is not true. Although anti-depressant medications are not without risk, the adverse effects of depression are more of a concern.
What I focus on is addressing the physical causes of the depression as well as the physical symptoms of depression such as sugar cravings. Often, there is biochemical misbalance that is driving the cravings. As the person is better supporting his of her neurochemical needs symptoms of depression decreases, vitality increases, risk of diabetes decreases, and many other health concerns improve.
Depression symptoms, antidepressant medication use, and risk of developing diabetes in Diabetes Prevention Program participants. American Diabetes Association 2006 Scientific Sessions: June 9-13, 2006: Washington DC. Abstract 896-P.