Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Dynamic Paths, Inc. is happy to announce that Abby Pattison, MA, CN, MHC has joined Dr. Allott in providing non-pharmaceutical interventions for depression, anxiety, addictions, sugar cravings and other mental health concerns.  Over the last six months, Dr. Allott and Ms. Pattison have shared training and clinic experiences, redefined operation procedures for--not just joining--but integrating practices in order to better serve your wellness needs.

Abby Pattison brings unique qualities and provides multiple benefits to clients of Dynamic Paths, Inc.  First, both of her master degrees in nutrition and psychology complement and enhance Dr. Allott's understanding that people's relationship to food is primarily emotional.  Secondly, Abby Pattison is interested in working with parents and children over the age of seven years old.  Thirdly, she can provide services at a price point that is more affordable for people struggling in our present economy.

When you come to see Ms. Pattison, you will follow the basic pattern for appointment making as outlined in the Services on the Dynamic Paths website.  You will see Ms. Pattison for two to three appointments working on dietary tools that will improve your symtoms quickly.  Once she has identified the physiological nature of the depression, anxiety, addition, sugar craving or other mental health concerns, you will be referred to Dr. Allott for laboratory analysis.  Dr. Allott and Ms. Pattison will work collaboratively to create a treatment plan.

As your primary support, Ms. Pattison will explain how your symptoms maybe your body's way of expressing its need for nutritional changes.  You and she together will discover foods that will work for you.  The steps to wellness that the two of you create will be practical and well as sustainable.

Call today 206-579-2797 to get started on the pathway to feeling better.