Not long after Newsweek's issue on depression, Kate Loftesness of The Eugene Weekly interviewed five northwest health practitioners about "Alternatives to Medication for Mentally Ill Patients". Each of these health professionals cares for depressed patients differently:
* Ron Unger, a Eugene therapist and clinical social worker, advocates group therapy.
* David W. Oaks is director of the Eugene-based mental health activist group MindFreedom International He works to insure patients have a range of care choices available to them.
* Ira Aronin, a mental health specialist and the lead worker for access-related issues with Lane County Behavioral Health Services admits: "Our understaffed program dealing with crises and complex cases makes pursuing alternatives difficult."
* Katharine Schneider is the clinical supervisor for therapy and care management at an in-patient psychiatric unit. "We treat people with acute mental illness and incorporate a diverse array of treatments." Patients enjoy creative art therapies such as journaling and poetry writing plus yoga and some receive pharmaceutical treatments.
* Dr. Kristen Allott (interviewed in betrween PESI sessions in Eugene) places, special emphasis on diet and nutrients. "I see my practice as complementing more mainstream therapies and treatments of mental health."
The alternatives to medication for mentally ill patients in Kate's article are mentioned only sparingly. The acceptance of these and other alternatives to medication for the mentally ill is growing.
"Different Paths to Mental Health" by Kate Loftesness at this link: